Case Study: Evaluating state-wide targets across regional areas to identify winners and losers
Our client was assessing state government performance against public health and safety targets. Were there differences in improvements between regional and metropolitan areas? If so, why? Did demographics make a difference? Access to services? The geographic distribution of government interventions?
Smarterknowledge created a custom interactive tool using our Commpact platform so the client could analyse 15 years of Government data across the states local government areas (LGAs). The geographic incidence of public health and safety data could be seen, and the likelihood of individual locations achieving state-wide targets. Several factors (demographics, proximity to services, interventions) were correlated by location with public health and safety data, to understand location specific differences.
The result was a unique, custom evidence-base integrating millions of Government data rows from multiple sources. This could be interactively interrogated to assess public health and safety, and guide the questioning of stakeholders. Interactivity meant that the client could develop a deep understanding of the data, and of state-wide public health and safety. Insights could be identified, such as:
- How country and metro public health and safety outcomes differed
- Which locations had the most public health and safety incidents, versus which had the highest proportion of incidents per population
- Which locations were likely to achieve targets
- Which demographic factors had strong correlations with public health and safety outcomes
Analysis identified improvement opportunities for public health and safety data. Should state-wide or localised targets be used? How could performance reporting improve? How to standardise geographic reporting boundaries?